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Kanopy Free Full Interstellar

Kanopy Free Full Interstellar



9 / 10 Star / Sci-Fi / year: 2014 / Mackenzie Foy / / Christopher Nolan




Interstellar is surely in my TOP-3 Movies, I"m fascinated by the space and watching a movie so well-done was a mind-blowing. Firstly, it isn"t just another space movie to see incredible screens of the space, this one is very critical, showing what our current society, our way of life, can cause in the world. The Earth is loosing its capacity of supporting life due to our actions in the past.
The whole cast did an excellent performance to create and develop the characters, but the younger Murph(Mackenzie Foy) and Cooper(Matthew McConaughey) stand out. The scenes, where they both were in it or just one of them, are marvelous. They really managed to transmit the emotions each scene required and you certainly feel emotional in some of them.
A physicist, Kip Thorne, was called to help the film to be the most realistic possible. The scenes where the space was being portrayed, the CGI used in it was superb, they seemed so real, that I felt like I was looking through a mirror. The numbers of Special Effects"s awards won by this movie is a way to notice how good the CGI was. Another feature to be recognizable is the soundtrack done by Hans Zimmer. The actions scenes, the nail-biting and teeth shaking scenes acquired so much depth with the soundtrack, it was like I was in it, feeling the fear, the hopelessness, the emotions which the characters were having.
In the end, Interstellar is a memorable movie, which both cast and the crew successfully created a well-crafted film. The message that it wants to transmit is really thought-provoking and inspiring.

